The whole feel of the website is now more refreshing compared to the previous one. It now comes with more updated News, fresher Contents & clearer Profiles of those whom AMDG manage & represent, coupled with their videos, photos & music.
As we move into Quarter 3 of year 2009… More new upcoming plans are already in the pipeline for AMDG. One of these plans is to cater to the needs & interest of potential wannabes who wants to have a hands on WHAT’S LIKE working BEHIND THE SCENE, wanting THE KNOWLEDGE, the INSIDE TRADE SECRET and the KNOW-HOW in the Show Business arena; and AMDG Academy is set-up to cater to these individual desires.
The sole purpose of AMDG Academy (A Special Training Unit of AMDG-SINGAPORE) is to churn-out potential individuals who wants to make a career out in the Entertainment & Glamour industry… For a start, the Academy will kick-off its first Introductory seminar on “Show Biz For Agent-Wannabes” - Take my word for it… You won’t regret attending this thrilling & enlightening session!
To find out MORE about AMDG - Click HERE!
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