Saturday, August 1, 2009

AMDG Q3 Revamp...!

The revamping of AMDG website is finally done, and we’ve also opened up a new account with Tweeter, Facebook and this blogspot too!

The whole feel of the website is now more refreshing compared to the previous one. It now comes with more updated News, fresher Contents & clearer Profiles of those whom AMDG manage & represent, coupled with their videos, photos & music.

As we move into Quarter 3 of year 2009… More new upcoming plans are already in the pipeline for AMDG. One of these plans is to cater to the needs & interest of potential wannabes who wants to have a hands on WHAT’S LIKE working BEHIND THE SCENE, wanting THE KNOWLEDGE, the INSIDE TRADE SECRET and the KNOW-HOW in the Show Business arena; and AMDG Academy is set-up to cater to these individual desires.

The sole purpose of AMDG Academy (A Special Training Unit of AMDG-SINGAPORE) is to churn-out potential individuals who wants to make a career out in the Entertainment & Glamour industry… For a start, the Academy will kick-off its first Introductory seminar on “Show Biz For Agent-Wannabes” - Take my word for it… You won’t regret attending this thrilling & enlightening session!

To find out MORE about AMDG - Click

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